The 100th Division offers itself as a premier training resource for the U.S. Army. Originally headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky, it now resides at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Scores of books and hundreds of speeches have been written regarding the gallantry, heroism, and significant contributions to the national defense by members of the 100th Division.
The 100th’s motto, “Train Em’ Tough,” captures the spirit of the organization striving for the highest standards of soldiering. The 100th’s past is rich in details of battles fought, leadership from numerous company grade officers and the foot-meets-the-ground efforts of enlisted soldiers. To detail the accomplishments of the Division would exhaust the researcher and reader alike.

Brigadier General Martin C. Jung
Commanding General, 100th Training Division

Command Sergeant Major Rogelio James Jr.
Command Sergeant Major, 100th Training Division