
Century Sentinel

Editor Information
Ms. Kimberley Mays
PH: 270.307.2273
Send articles, items of interest and pictures below.
News articles, letters to the editor and pictures are always welcome and will be published as space is available. Letters may be edited for length, spelling, grammar and content. No letter will be published without a first and last name of the author and the city in which the writer resides. Writers should submit a telephone number with their letters for verification purposes. Phone numbers will not be published with the letters. Subject matter of letters should be relevant to the objectives of the Association of the Century and its membership. If pictures are being submitted and the sender needs them returned, please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope, otherwise they become the property of the Association.
The Association of the Century’s Century Sentinel Newsletter is published a minimum of three times a year, normally during the Spring, Fall and Winter months.
In an effort to save postage, the Association is actively soliciting individuals who would like to receive their copy of the Century Sentinel via email as opposed to ‘snail mail’.
Thank you!