Chairman’s Welcome

Welcome to each of you who are visiting our Association of the Century Website for the 100th time or the first time!
Whether you are a current or past member of the U.S. Army Reserve’s 100th Division I believe you will find our site interesting and informative. I am truly excited about what has transpired with the Association of the Century since its inception in 1977. The Association of the Century focuses on supporting and recognizing the achievements of past and present members of the 100th Division. Take time to visit the sections on the “MG Benjamin Butler Century Division” Scholarship Program, The Support Our Soldiers (SOS) Program, and our Corridor of the Century Program which honors past members of the Century Division.
Another important goal of your Association is to provide an exciting, annual meeting venue for past and present 100th Division members, their spouses and other friends of the Century Division. Each year, members of the Association gather on the fourth weekend of August at a Kentucky location to renew old friendships and kindle new ones.
A friend of mine always signs off on his emails with the following phrase; “Good Work is Seldom An Accident, It’s Done By People Who Care” and I to, am privileged to work with twenty four fellow Association of the Century Board Members who truly epitomize that statement. My thanks go to each of them for making the Association of the Century what it is today!
If you are not a current member of the Association of the Century, please join today. You can do that right here on this website. You can be proud to be a part of an organization that is making good things happen for 100th Division Soldiers, past and present.
Always keep the men and women who fight for our freedom day in and day out in your thoughts and prayers.
MG William E. Barron, AUS Retired
Chairman, Association of the Century