MG Benjamin J. Butler Scholarship

If you would care to donate to the scholarship fund, use the button below:
Mail in donations are also accepted. Please make check payable to “Association of the Century, Inc.”. On the Memo line annotate that it is for the “MG Benjamin J. Butler Scholarship Fund”. Address envelope and send check to Association of the Century, Inc., P.O. Box 34393, Louisville, KY 40232.
Award Criteria
The Association of the Century (AOC) has established the following criteria for administering the MG Benjamin J. Butler “Century Division” Scholarship Program.
Nomination form/applications for scholarship grants may be submitted by qualified individuals who are pursuing a two or four-year degree program at an accredited college or university. There is a lifetime award limit of two awards per applicant. Applicants enrolled in a two-year program may be awarded one scholarship but can apply again once enrolled in a four- year program. Scholarship grants are made annually from the MG Benjamin J. Butler “Century Division” Scholarship Fund (hereinafter “Fund”) which is managed by The Community Foundation of Louisville (hereinafter “Foundation”)
Scholarship assistance from the Fund can be used to help defray the full cost or any portion of the cost of any or all of the following: (1) tuition; (2) books; (3) academic fees; (4) room and board expenses for housing made available through the educational institution; and (5) any equipment purchased through the university. Each grant will be at least $1,000 and will be made payable to the educational institution. All grants will be awarded on an objective and nondiscriminatory basis per the Scholarship Endowment Fund Agreement with The Community Foundation of Louisville.
Eligibility for consideration is based on the following guidelines and will be validated by the AOC initial selection committee:
1. Nominee for the scholarship must be: 1) an active, retired or former member of the United States Army 100th Infantry Division or any of its successor designations, including, but not limited to the 100th Division (Training) or its successor designations such as 100th Division (Operational Support); or 2) be a direct lineal descendent of one of the foregoing individuals; or 3) be a legally adopted dependent or acknowledged by The Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS)as a dependent of one of the foregoing individuals.
2. Nominated individuals must be in the senior year of high school or a high school graduate and must have been accepted for admission to an institution of higher education. Applicants must have a minimum of a 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale. After having met the above requirements, the selection committee established by the Foundation will make the final selection of the winning applicant/applicants based upon (1) demonstrated financial need; (2) qualities of good citizenship and patriotism, as indicated by community service, leadership positions, and/or letters of
recommendation; (3) other letters of recommendation; and (4) demonstrated academic excellence.
3. The following documentation, as applicable, must be included in the applicant’s nominating packet:
* American College Test (ACT) Score and/or Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) Score
* Grade Point Average (GPA) (include High School or current college Transcript)
* Membership in National Honor Societies
* Honors and Awards Received
* Membership in Junior ROTC
* Extra Curricular Activities, Community Activities and/or Military Achievement
* A typed essay of 250 words on “How This Scholarship Will Help Me Achieve My Goals And Meet My Financial Needs” signed by the applicant.
* Two signed letters of recommendation from a non-family member are required to include contact information for the recommending individual. Letters must dated and written during the year of the application.
Nomination Application and required documentation listed in paragraph 3 above will be scanned into one file and emailed to [email protected].
Contact CW5 Janie Diamond if you need help with this. Email or phone 502-432-6298. Packets need to be emailed prior to midnight on 15 June each year.
Nomination Form
Donation Opportunity
If you care to donate to the MG Benjamin J. Butler Scholarship Program, please use the donate button below:
Mail in donations are also accepted. Please make check payable to “Association of the Century, Inc.”. On the Memo line annotate that it is for the “MG Benjamin J. Butler Scholarship Fund”. Address envelope and send check to Association of the Century, Inc., P.O. Box 34393, Louisville, KY 40232.