The Association Officers and Board of Directors

Chairman Emeritus
MG Charles Beach (Ret)

MG William E. Barron (Ret)
[email protected]

Vice Chairman
MG John R. Tindall, Jr. (Ret)
[email protected]

COL Larry Abel
[email protected]

1st VP – MSG George Bohannon
2nd VP – LTC Anthyony Warren
3rd VP – SGT Joe Lamkin
Executive Secretary – SGM Ben Zimmerman
Assistant Secretary – Major Greg Holland
Treasurer – LTC Ken Kapp
Assistant Treasurer – COL Rick Rowe
General Counsel – MAJ Carl Platt

Board Members

COL Frank Bland
COL Robert Cobb
COL Cyndy Noble
COL Rick Rowe
COL Glenn Russel
COL Jim Star
COL John Butler
COL Norm Williams
LTC Ron Moss
LTC Horace Johnson
CW5 Janie Diamond
CW4 Hobert Judd
CSM Greg Bethards
CSM David Belcher
CSM Durward Thomas
CSM Ned McWhorter
MSG Linda Bruin
SGT Joe Lamkin

MG William E. Barron (Ret)

AOC Director since: 2003

Position/Committees: Chairman of the Board (since 2006)

Chairman, Museum Committee

Chairman, Scholarship Committee

Dates of Service with the 100th Division: May, 1966 to June, 1999

Summary of Service: Enlisted as a private in the 2d Brigade of the 100 th Division in May of 1996. Following 3 years of enlisted service attended Kentucky National Guard Officer Candidate School getting commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in May of 1969. First officer assignment was in Company A, 1 st Bn, 397 Regt, 1 st Bde in Richmond , KY. During the next 33 years with the Century Division, I commanded at all levels from company thru Division as well as holding numerous operational assignments at battalion, brigade and division level becoming 100 th Division Commander on June 26, 1995. In 1990/1991 during Operation Desert Storm, I commanded Task Force 100 th which was a brigade size unit from the 100 th Division formed to train armor and cavalry soldiers recalled to active federal service. Following command of the 100 th Division, my next assignment was that of Deputy Commanding General for Army Reserve Training at U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command Headquarters at Ft. Monroe , VA. While assigned to TRADOC Headquarters, I was again mobilized in support of Operation Noble Eagle.

Awards and Decorations: Army Distinguished Service Medal, three awards of the Legion of Merit and five awards of the Meritorious Service Medal and Army Staff Identification Badge for three years service on the Army Reserve Forces Policy Committee. Was the 2004 recipient of the Association of the United States Army’s James Earl Rudder Medal and former Eagle Scout.

Transferred to Retired Reserves: 29 July 2004

Current Occupation: Executive Director, CORE Committee Inc.

Elizabethtown , Kentucky

MG John R. Tindall, Jr. (Ret)

AOC Director since: 2003

Position/Committees: Vice Chairman of the Board (since 2006)
Co-Chairman of the Support Our Soldiers Committee

Dates of Service with the 100th Division: September 1974 to July 2003 with Three Years with the 85 th from 1996 to 1999

Summary – Military/Personal: A Hardin County Kentuckian since 1970, currently living in Radcliff with wife, Mary. Together they have raised five children with one son currently serving in Iraq on his second tour with the 223 rd MP Company. Family includes two precious grandchildren of which they are very proud. A Kentuckian now, but as a 1967 graduate of the University of Tennessee still carry a lot of “Orange” in the blood especially during football season. A 1993 graduate of the U.S. Army War College, served in many, key leadership positions within business, community, as well as the U.S. Army. After thirty-six years of service to our nation both on active duty and within the reserves, retired while serving as the Commanding General of the 100 th Division headquartered in Louisville .

Awards and Decorations: Army Distinguished Service Medal, the Legion of Merit with one Oak Leaf Cluster, the Bronze Star, the Meritorious Service Medal with five Oak Leaf Clusters, Air Medal with seven Oak Leaf Clusters, Army Commendation Medal, the National Defense Medal, Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal, Vietnam Service Medal with three Oak Leaf Clusters, Armed Forces Reserve Medal, Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal with two Oak Leaf Clusters, Army Service Ribbon and the Army Aviator Badge.

Transferred to Retired Reserves: July 2003

Current Occupation: Self Employed – Real Estate, Radcliff, Kentucky