The General's "Franklin Club" Challenge

The General’s “Franklin Club” Challenge to AOC Senior Life Members
On January 1, 2016 Generals Barron and Tindall initiated a challenge to our ‘Senior’ Association of the Century Life Members to write a check for $100.00 to the AOC ‘Franklin Club’ to help fund a ‘second time around’ for this great organization long after many of us have gone on to Fiddler’s Green.
The AOC was founded on 1 December 1977 by three previous Commanders of the 100th, the late MG Benjamin J. Butler, the late MG Charles Beach, and BG Zack C. Saufley. Attesting to the incorporation of the AOC was the late COL Frank B. Stien, and LTC Joe B. Brown. Most of the Association’s life members like General Tindall and I, chose early on to purchase a life membership in the Association some twenty five or more years ago for $100.00. From a dues standpoint, that means that many of our early life members have not had an opportunity to make a monetary contribution to the AOC for decades while enjoying our quality newsletter, The Century Sentinel, watching grandkids receive $1,000 AOC scholarships and having access to first class social events at our Annual Reunions. If you bought a $100.00 AOC life membership in 1985, your annual membership dues over that thirty year period equates to slightly over $3.00 per year. That’s pretty hard to beat considering AOC annual membership dues are currently $15.00 which is underpriced for any other professional organization of similar quality that I belong to such as AUSA, MOAA and MOWW and others. Had it not been for serving in the 100th Division, General Tindall and I along with many other fellow Century men and women reading this would have never completed 20 qualifying years in the Army towards that retirement check and the life-long medical care that we enjoy today. I am not embarrassed to say that I am genuinely indebted to the 100th Division for the opportunity it presented to me to accumulate 20 good years of qualifying service toward military retirement and first class medical coverage.
Renewing your personal commitment to help financially support the AOC is a great way to say thanks to both the 100th Division and the AOC for the benefits that we have all received for many years. If you are unable to join us at our Annual Reunions or participate in other ways, then this is a great way for you to remain active as a sustaining member of the AOC and proud supporter of the Century Division.
Different payment options are available for your convenience.
You may choose one or more of the three AOC Programs below that you want your contribution to support by making a note on the memo line of your check or online payment:
1. MG Benjamin Butler Scholarship Fund – to help fund $1,000 scholarships
2. Support our Soldiers (SOS) Fund – to support current 100th Division Soldiers
3. Century Division Museum Fund – to help maintain 100th Division history
It’s easy! Choose how you want to pay and where you want your money to go then mail to Ken Kapp, AOC Treasurer at:
Association of the Century
“Franklin Club” Challenge
P.O. Box 34393
Louisville, KY 40232-4393
Names of our Franklin Club members will be posted in upcoming issues of the Century Sentinel.
Train ‘Em Tough!
MG Bill Barron, USA Ret.
AOC Chairman
MG John Tindall, USA Ret.
AOC Vice Chairman